
Sexuality & Relationships
No interest in sex? Problems with orgasm? Poor communication with your partner? Sexual and relationship problems are one of the most frequent concerns today. Experts estimate that about 40% of women in the US report low sexual interest, difficulties with sexual arousal or orgasm, or sexual pain disorders. Therapy can help you to greatly enhance your sexual functioning, improve communication, and emotional intimacy.

Infertility, Pregnancy, Delivery and Post-Partum
Still not pregnant after months or even years of trying? Being (happily) pregnant but nauseous and exhausted? Wishing for a positive birthing experience? Millions of women and their partners struggle with the emotional and physical strain of infertility, pregnancy-related problems, and post-partum adjustment. Therapy with a qualified professional like me can help to overcome these problems. Hypnotic interventions are effective during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

Acute & Chronic Pain
Suffering from frequent pain such as migraines or pelvic pain? Pain in the pelvis (often related to uterine fibroids or endometriosis) or in the genital area (vulvodynia, vestibulodynia, or vulvar vestibulatis syndrome – VVS) as well as pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia) are typical problems. Acute and chronic pain in general also very common problems. CBT and hypnotic interventions have been documented to reduce pain and related problems.

Stress, Anxiety & Depression
Feeling really down or panicky? My expertise in behavioral medicine includes stress management, treatment of depression (also post-partum), performance anxiety, social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, and phobias (e.g., needle phobia, dental phobia). CBT, hypnotic, and mindfulness techniques have been proven to be effective.

Medical Problems
Why me and why now? As a health psychologist, I have helped countless people with medical illnesses (e.g. infertility, diabetes, cancer, cardiac illness) to cope with their condition and adopt a healthier lifestyle. I have also successfully delivered interventions for insomnia, stress reduction, pain management, and weight management. Find out how hypnosis can prepare you for surgery and quicker recovery.

Coaching & Performance Enhancement
Performance anxiety? Major life transitions? Bad eating habits? Lack of exercise? Stress or Insomnia? These are daily struggles many people experience in this modern, hectic life. The good news: You can learn basic strategies for relaxation, time management, organization, assertiveness, and interpersonal communication.


Treatment Philosophy

If you are struggling with a medical, sexual, or relationship problem I want you to know that I am committed to helping people just like yourself. I provide the highest quality of care to all my clients and offer solution-focused treatment. Being curious and compassionate about different outlooks on life has served me well as a psychologist. While often using specific practices and techniques, my approach is flexible and always tailored to individual needs. The goal of this type of therapy is to restore your sense of self, calmness, and inner strength.

Techniques include:

  • Behavioral exercises
  • Changing thinking patterns
  • Hypnotic techniques
  • Mindfulness/meditative practices
  • Traditional psychotherapy


Strong Start

Finding the right professional is very important. I like to start out with a phone conversation before scheduling our first therapy session. We will discuss what is needed in therapy and which services I can provide. If, during the initial phone conversation it appears that my services may not be the best fit for your needs, we will discuss alternatives. This 20-min. phone conversation is free of charge. Therapy starts with a comprehensive assessment of your needs and personal history which usually takes two to four 45-min sessions. We will discuss an individualized treatment plan for the next sessions. Working outside of session and completing “homework” assignments will be important. Particularly at the beginning of therapy, I like to meet with people once a week. Since motivation is such a strong predictor for treatment success, you will be actively engaged in all stages of treatment. Taking active steps, such as reading through this quite lengthy web page, will pay off. Keep up the good work!


How Many Sessions?

This depends on many factors such as your goals, motivation, and the nature of the problem.  I have seen people for a one time hypnotic intervention on the operating table. I have seen couples for several years to improve the quality of their life and relationship. We will discuss shorter term and longer term options. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that you will reach all your goals for therapy by a certain time. I continue to witness how people’s perceptions, feelings, and behaviors can change quite drastically within a few sessions. This is one of the reasons why I enjoy my work.


The “Ideal” Client or Patient

I strongly believe in being an informed consumer in one’s psychological or medical treatment. Please read, ask questions, go online, and talk with people in your support system; ideally even before coming for therapy. Once you have decided to come to work with me, I will ask for your trust and permission to guide and coach you. Ideally, you will be open and curious about the things I have to say and suggest to you. You will practice using the concepts and tools we explored during sessions in your everyday life. If you come to a point when you feel quite happy with the gains achieved in therapy, that may be a good time to stop.

Communication and respect are cornerstones of health in all of our relationships. In a therapeutic relationship of mutual trust and respect, you can learn many new skills, including active listening and clear communication. As you learn new patterns of feeling thinking, and behaving, you may then apply your skills outside of the treatment setting. The goal of this change is to reduce distress arising from relationships and other areas, and to increase your sense of happiness and self-acceptance.


Confidentiality & Email

As a board-certified health care professional, I conform to HIPPA regulations protecting your confidentiality and privacy. However, there are legal limits of confidentiality; these will be explained once you decide to come for therapy. Since e-mail is not considered a secure form of communication, you should not include any sensitive clinical information in your messages to me. I only use email communication for scheduling or other administrative purposes.



I am a fee-for-service provider, and payment is due, by personal check, at each session (unless otherwise specified). You may choose to pay out of pocket for any services not covered by your insurance. Please check with your insurance company prior to your first appointment whether my services are covered. Explain the exact nature of the services you are seeking. Let your insurance company know that you will be seeing Dr. Nicole Flory, licensed psychologist. Any sessions not covered by your insurance company will be charged to you. You can use a pre-tax health reimbursement account (HRA, also known as “flexible spending accounts”) to pay for therapy. These accounts can be started or adjusted annually and whenever your family / employment situation changes; please check with your employer for this benefit.


Hours & Cancellations

I offer both day and evening hours. Once a regular weekly appointment time is established, you may count on this time as long as you attend each week. Due to the number of people seeking treatment, specific time slots may not be held in the event of cancellation or missed sessions. There is no charge for a cancellation of at least 48 hours notice. If cancellation occurs with less than 48 hours notice, for any reason, you will be responsible for the full session fee. You will be asked to sign the Credit Card Form for reimbursement for missed sessions or unpaid sessions.